
Cape Cod Ledger

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Planning Board (virtual mtg) on June 22


Planning Board (virtual mtg)

WhenWed, June 22, 6:30pm – 7:30pm


Town of Brewster PlanningBoard

2198 Main St., Brewster,MA 02631


(508) 896-3701 x1133



June 22, 2022 at 6:30PM (Remote Participation Only)


Thismeeting will be conducted by remote participation pursuant to Chapter 20 of theActs of 2021,. No in-person meeting attendance will be permitted. If theTown is unable to live broadcast this meeting, a record of the proceedings willbe provided on the Town website as soon as possible.


The meeting may be viewed by: Live broadcast (BrewsterGovernment TV Channel 18), Livestream (livestream.brewster-ma.gov), orVideo recording (tv.brewster-ma.gov).


Meetings may be joined by:

1.    Phone: Call (929) 436-2866or (301) 715-8592.  WebinarID: 841 0778 1002.  Passcode: 612505.

To request to speak: Press *9 and wait to be recognized.


2.    Zoom Webinar:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84107781002?pwd=VTVSV1ExaUNCL253NmNZV21Gdmo4dz09

Passcode: 612505.

To requestto speak: Tap Zoom “Raise Hand” button or type “Chat”comment with your name and address, then wait to be recognized.


The PlanningBoard packet can be found at:  http://records.brewster-ma.gov/weblink/0/fol/118269/Row1.aspx orby going to the Planning Department page on the Town of Brewster website (www.brewster-ma.gov).

1.      Callto Order.

2.      Declarationof a Quorum.

3.       Meeting ParticipationStatement. 

4.      Citizen’s Forum. Members of the public are invited to address the Planning Board onmatters not on the agenda during this time. The Planning Board asks that a 3 minute maximum comment period berespected by the speaker.  In order toavoid any possible interpretation of a violation of the Open Meeting Law, thePlanning Board will not provide comment in return to the speaker, however theitem may be moved to a future agenda if discussion is deemed warranted.

5.      PUBLIC HEARING:  RoadBetterment Petition, Case No. 2022-03: Property Owners on Ridgewood Drive,through their representative John M. O’Reilly, P.E., P.L.S. of J.M. O’Reilly& Associates, Inc., have submitted a petition requesting financing forvarious road repairs to Ridgewood Drive, a private way (shown on Tax Maps25 and 26), under the Town’s Betterment and Assessment program in accordancewith and pursuant to Chapter 157, Article VIII, of the Brewster Code.  The Planning Board will consider andpotentially vote whether to endorse the petition plan.

6.      Discussion and potential vote to recommend SelectBoard appoint Planning Board representatives to the Vision Planning Committeeand Water Quality Review Committee.

7.      Discussion and potential vote to delegateenforcement authority/designate enforcement agent(s) under Brewster StormwaterManagement Bylaw.

8.      Discussion and review of draft administrativeforms and documents prepared by staff to implement the Brewster StormwaterManagement Bylaw.

9.      Approval of Meeting Minutes:  May 25, 2022 and June 6, 2022.

10.  For Your Information.

11.  Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by theChair.

12.  Next Meetings: July 11, 2022 (joint meetingwith Select Board), July 13, 2022 and July 27, 2022.

13.  Adjournment.

Original source can be found here.