
Cape Cod Ledger

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Apply ONLINE to Vote Early By Mail


Apply ONLINE to Vote Early By Mail | https://www.chilmarkma.gov/

Apply ONLINE to Vote Early By Mail | https://www.chilmarkma.gov/

The option to Vote By Mail is open to all Chilmark registered voters for the upcoming local Annual Town Election on April 26, 2023.

You may now apply using the MA Elections Division's Online Mailed Ballot Application tool. Please go HERE to access this tool and apply.

The deadline for receipt of an application for a mailed ballot is Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 5PM.


If you prefer, you may apply for a mailed ballot using the link HERE to download, print and sign the paper application and submit to the Town Clerk:

By mail: Chilmark Town Clerk, P.O. Box 119, Chilmark, MA 02535

By email: townclerk@chilmarkma.gov

By fax: 508-645-2110

Into the Dropbox: 401 Middle Road, Chilmark

Any written request with your signature is an acceptable application. You can simply write a signed letter to your local election office to apply for your ballot.

Applications can be submitted by mail, email, fax, or into either of the two Town Hall building drop boxes, but they must include a signature that can be compared to your hand-written signature. Electronic signatures, scanned applications, and photos of applications are acceptable.

Original source can be found here.