These students did not meet the required standards of the Math portion of the MCAS, compared to the 41% who did.
The number of Oak Bluffs School District students who failed their Math assessments fell by 6.5% from the previous school year.
Oak Bluffs School District roughly covers schools within Dukes County and has a main office in Vineyard Haven.
In the 2021-22 school year, 399,938 students took the Math test in Massachusetts with 59% students failing, 7.6% less than the year before.
According to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's 2022 Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS), the average scale score for grade 10 English Language Arts was 503, which met the expectation level, while the average scale score for grade 10 Science was 499, which only partially met the expectation level.
Massachusetts students performed better than most of their peers in other states, but their own average scores on a national assessment dropped from 2019 levels.
School Name | Students who did not meet met standards (%) |
Oak Bluffs Elementary School | 59% |